The U.S. History Toolkit (HTK) is a searchable database designed to connect Michigan K-12 social studies teachers and leaders with existing, vetted resources to support “teaching of the full and complex American history across subject areas including the histories of communities of color and other marginalized communities.” Public Act 119 of 2023 

This website is a living document, with resources vetted by the HTK guidance committee being added as quickly as possible. Our guidance committee was created to reflect the diverse identities, experiences, and perspectives of Michiganders. As a result, the committee includes teachers, parents, academics, and community members and organizations from many different backgrounds. At the same time, no one can know everything. Please submit resources that can enhance the legislated goals of the HTK using the form on the Teachers Supporting Teachers page for guidance committee review. 

Teaching resources, such as lesson and unit plans, are connected to the Michigan K-12 academic standards. All plans are social studies and some interdisciplinary. Click on each resource for a complete list of related standards.  Clarification is provided when a standard partially aligns.

The HTK builds upon the Michigan Department of Education’s ongoing equity work, including the Teaching Comprehensive History webinar series and Equity in Literacy resources.

For more information on how resources are included and future goals of the project, please visit About the U.S. History Toolkit.   

Begin exploring the toolkit resources below or use the search bar to find specific content.

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