Ugly History: The Armenian Genocide This 7+ minute animated video and accompanying background information illustrates the history of the Armenian Genocide. There are also thought provoking questions, a quiz, and more information for deeper, richer discussion and exploration.
Please be mindful how you discuss genocide with your students. It is an important topic, and one that requires sensitivity and care both for those effected, but also ourselves and our students.
Chaldean American Month Video Series A 4 minute, 4-part YouTube playlist that explores:
1. Who are the Chaldeans?
2. Aramaic Language
3. Religion
4. Demographics
Chaldean History: Who are the Chaldeans? A brief article outlining the over 5,500-year history of Chaldean people: from their beginnings in Mesopotamia to Metro Detroit becoming the second largest community of Chaldeans worldwide.
The article also includes information about language, religion, and demographics.
At Risk of Prejudice: The Arab American Community A brief article answering teachers' questions such as:
"How can we teach about the Arab world in an objective way. . . Where can we obtain appropriate resources about the Arab world and Islam? What can be done to allay the fears of Arab and Muslim students and provide them with a safe and nurturing environment?" (quote from article.)
Please note that Seikaly considers "Arab" expansively: purposefully not conflating Muslim and Arab identities while including Chaldeans, Coptics, and other communities indigenous to the Middle East North Africa (MENA.)
Understanding Arab Refugees Unit Plan From the unit overview by the Arab American National Museum:
"This unit is designed for upper elementary students. In this unit, students will read a picture book about an Arab refugee family that tries to escape a conflict in their country and head to Europe. Students will learn what it means to be a refugee and how a refugee differs from being an immigrant. Students will also learn how other countries have tried to help refugees and then examine what they would do to help a new refugee student."