Middle School
The LGBTQ+ Identity: Teacher's Guide
From the website: "Understanding LGBTQ+ Identity: A Toolkit for Educators offers a series of digital media resources to help teachers, administrators, guidance counselors, and other educators understand and effectively address the complex and difficult issues faced by LGBTQ students. "These resources, intended for use in teacher professional development settings or with GSAs, feature short segments of video content from the groundbreaking PBS Digital Studios show First Person. First Person delivers candid personal narratives illustrating larger conversations about gender, sexuality, social norms, and identity development. "All video content is scaffolded by a suite of materials (informational text, conversation guides, discussion questions, and teaching tips) to facilitate their use in either classroom or professional development settings. The videos and accompanying educational resources are designed to help promote understanding, awareness, and self-esteem." -
Famous Author Study #1: Langston Hughes
An ELA and social studies unit for 7th grade that uses Langston Hughes' work and life as a way to explore how and why authors write how they do. Specifically, students will be able to: - determine an author's purpose in writing. - determine central idea(s) for non-fiction text, - determine theme(s) for fictional text, - cite evidence to support the central idea or theme, - summarize texts succinctly, - analyze how parts of a text interact, and - begin to determine how poetic devices, form, and structure add to the meaning of a poem. HTK Note: ELA standards are included below and in the packet. Social studies standards only included below.