Teacher Resource
Chaldean American Month Video Series
A 4 minute, 4-part YouTube playlist that explores: 1. Who are the Chaldeans? 2. Aramaic Language 3. Religion 4. Demographics -
Muslim students face tough challenges during Ramadan. Here's what teachers can do to help.
From the website: "USA TODAY spoke with Amaarah DeCuir, an education researcher and expert on Muslim student experiences about best practices for supporting Ramadan in schools." -
Research and Resources on American Muslims and the Impact in the United States of Events in Gaza, Israel, and Surrounding Region
This google doc provides research and resources about: - anti-Muslim hate, - how harmful political messaging and media perpetuate Islamophobia, and - Muslim/Jewish relations among other topics. Additional insightful scholarship and research are hyperlinked throughout this living document. -
At Risk of Prejudice: The Arab American Community
A brief article answering teachers' questions such as: "How can we teach about the Arab world in an objective way. . . Where can we obtain appropriate resources about the Arab world and Islam? What can be done to allay the fears of Arab and Muslim students and provide them with a safe and nurturing environment?" (quote from article.) Please note that Seikaly considers "Arab" expansively: purposefully not conflating Muslim and Arab identities while including Chaldeans, Coptics, and other communities indigenous to the Middle East North Africa (MENA.)