Day in The Life of An Arab Youth: Using Stories to Learn About Places


Day in The Life of An Arab Youth: Using Stories to Learn About Places
Arab American National Museum
In this lesson, students will be exposed to stories about children from different parts of the Arab world. They will ask and answer compelling questions about the children and their lives. They will also do research on the countries where these children are from and answer questions about their own lives.
Arab American National Museum
Content Standards
CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RI.K-5.2 Determine the central ideas or themes of a text and analyze their development; summarize the key supporting details and ideas.
2 – G4.0.3 Use components of culture to describe diversity in the local community.
3 – G4.0.3 Describe some of the current movements of goods, people, jobs, or information to, from, or within Michigan and explain reasons for the movements.
4 – G4.0.1 Use a case study or story about migration within or to the United States to identify push and pull factors (why they left, why they came) that influenced the migration.

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